

Tina Kalayil
Somya Tyagi
Mahfuza Khatun
Sikandar Siddiqui


One of the main implica-tions of Lo’s Adaptive Markets Hypoth-esis (2004, 2012, 2017) is that returns of virtually all assets can change over time. We present a local linear trend smoothing method by which this phenomenon can be captured empirically. Moreover, we in-troduce two localised, amended goodness-of-fit indicators capable of capturing both the direction and the continuity of recently observed price trends. Our related empiri-cal investigation is based on a sample of 30 German blue-chip stock price series ob-served over a period of more than 16 years. Its results indicate that the use of these in-dicators as a stock-screening device can be a more useful means of identifying stocks with a superior risk/return profile than ap-plying a conventional momentum strategy. The validity of this finding is underscored by statistical significance tests based on a Moving Blocks Bootstrap procedure.
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Adaptive Markets, Local Least Squares smoothing, Moving Blocks Bootstrap

JEL Classification

G11, C58


How to Cite

Kalayil, T., Tyagi, S., Khatun, M., & Siddiqui, S. (2019). A RISK-SENSITIVE MOMENTUM APPROACH TO STOCK SELECTION. Economic Annals, 64(220), 61-84. https://doi.org/10.2298/EKA1920061K

How to Cite

Kalayil, T., Tyagi, S., Khatun, M., & Siddiqui, S. (2019). A RISK-SENSITIVE MOMENTUM APPROACH TO STOCK SELECTION. Economic Annals, 64(220), 61-84. https://doi.org/10.2298/EKA1920061K