Instructions for Authors

Economic Annals is an international professional journal published quarterly by the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Belgrade. The journal publishes research in all areas of economics and business studies, with a particular focus on contributions that examine economic issues from a comparative perspective, especially in relation to Europe, the broader European neighbourhood, and emerging economies. The journal especially welcomes papers on the comparative economics of South Eastern Europe, as well as individual economy studies from the region. Any paper submitted to the Economic Annals should NOT be under consideration for publication by other journals or publications. Contribution written in English should be submitted electronically to ScholarOne.

The journal will maintain high scientific standards. Papers submitted for publication should be original, relevant and scientifically accurate. Authors are expected to provide new information or analysis, and should present a summary of the basic facts they deal with and the conclusions they draw, maintaining coherence and compactness of their reasoning. The originality of the work is subject to test by iThenticate crosscheck. The texts should also follow appropriate technical standards and stylistic criteria. UK spelling (specialisation, labour, etc.) should be used, while both UK and US abbreviations are acceptable.

An anonymous version of the paper should be submitted (“document properties and personal information” should also be removed) along with a separate cover page, containing the article’s title, author’s name and affiliation, ORCID id and e-mail address. During the submission process, authors will be asked to provide a short abstract of between 100 to 200 words summarising the major points and conclusions of the paper; a suggested running head (an abbreviated form of the title of no more than 50 characters with spaces), as well as a list of up to five keywords and up to five two-digit codes following the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) classification ( ). Authors are encouraged to submit a short video abstract to enhance the visibility of their research. For detailed guidelines on creating and submitting a video abstract, please refer to our Video Abstract Guidelines.

Papers should be prepared as a single file (including text, notes, references, and tables) in MS-Word format. Tables and footnotes should be included as they are intended to appear in the final version. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered as superscripts. Figures should be submitted as separate files in Excel format with the original data included in a separate sheet.

As a rule, submitted articles should not exceed 8,000 words. All pages apart from the first one should be numbered. Subtitles should be concise, clearly marked in bold, and numbered (up to two levels of numbering). No other entries should be bolded. Formulae should be numbered on the right-hand side of the page. In case of long proofs, these should be inserted in a separate Appendix, following the References. Tables and Figures must not use colour, and should be in a format easy to edit, for instance they should take half a page (or a full page) within the indicated margins. They should be clearly labelled at the top, with a legend at the bottom, and should be logically ordered, using Arabic numerals. Sources of the data should be given below tables and figures.

Papers should follow APA style guidelines. Some key points watch out for are as follows. Parenthetic references in the text and in footnotes should be listed by the author surname, with the year of publication in parentheses; in case of more than one author use an ampersand, for instance: (Atkinson, Picketty & Emmanuel, 2011). Narrative citations within the text should use “and” rather than ampersand, for instance: Djankov, Glaeser and La Porta (2003). Use an ampersand in the list of references. When citing works with one or two authors, include the author name(s) in every citation. For works with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author plus “et al.” in every citation (even the first citation). Include all author names in the list of references. If the author is unknown, the first few words of the reference should be used; this is usually the title of the source. For example: (A guide for economy, 2019). Multiple works by the same author are sorted by date in ascending order; if the works are in the same year they should be ordered alphabetically by title and allocated a letter (a, b, c,...) after the date. Only reference the works that you have cited in your text. Within the text, avoid long strings of citations; cite only those works which are relevant to the text that they inform. Before submitting your paper, check that all references cited in the paper are included in the reference list at the end of the paper, and that all papers included in the reference list have been cited in the text.

References should be left aligned in alphabetical order in the reference list, according to the following formats:

• Article in journals

Author surname(s), initial(s). (Year). Article title. Journal, Volume number (issue or part number, optional), page numbers. DOI.

Rodrik, R., Subramanian, D., & Trebbi, F. (2004). Institutions rule: the primacy of institutions over geography and integration in economic development. Journal of Economic Growth, 9(2), 131-165.

https://DOI: 10.1023/B:JOEG.0000031425.72248.85.

• Books

Author surname, initial(s). (Year). Title. Publisher location: Publisher

De Grauwe, P. (2020) Economics of Monetary Union (13th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

• Edited Book

Author surname, initial(s). (Ed(s).). (Year). Title. Publisher location: Publisher

Baltagi, B.H. (Ed.). (2003). A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics. Oxford: Blackwell

• Book with several authors

When there are multiple authors, list them all, with the addition of ampersand (&) before the last surname. If there are more than seven authors, list the first six, then write three full stops (...), and at the end write the last author.

Acemoglu, D., & Robinson, J.A. (2006). Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Baumol, W. J., Panzar, J. C., & Willig, R.W. (1982). Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, Inc.

• Chapter in Book

Last name of the chapter author, initial(s). (Year). Chapter title. In editor initial(s), surname (Ed.). Title (ed., pp.). Publisher location: Publisher

McMillan J., & Woodruff C. (2003) The central role of entrepreneurs in transition economies. In G. S. Fields, & G. Pfefferman (Eds.). Pathways Out of Poverty (pp. 105-121). Dordrecht: Springer.

• E-Book

Author surname, initial(s). (Year). Title. URL

Perry, R.B. (1909). The Moral Economy.[id00000]!/4/2[id00000]/ 1:0)

• Technical Reports or Working Papers

Individual authors

Author surname, initial(s) or corporate name. (Year). Title. (Report or Working Paper No.). URL.

Cătuţi, M., Kustova, I. and Egenhofer, C. (2020) Delivering the European Green Deal for Southeast Europe: Do we need a regional approach? (CEPS Research Report No.2020/1).

Corporate authors

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Interface Between Psychology and Global Climate Change. (2009). Report of the APA Task Force on the Interface Between Psychology and Global Climate Change.

• Newspaper Articles

Author surname, initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title. Title of Newspaper, p. or pp. URL*

*only include if the article is online.

Note: the date includes the year, month and date.

Smialek, J. (2020, May 2). Hotel Group Will Return Tens of Millions in Small Business Loans. The New York Times, pp. 10. monty-bennett.html

• Website

Author surname, initial(s). (Year, month day). Title. URL

Mitchell, J.A. (2017, May 21). How and when to reference.